
I am so happy and thankful for being the person I am today, and for the life I get to experience!

That was not always the case.  I used to be a people pleaser, and I lived my life doing what I thought people expected of me.  My biggest fear was to disappoint people.  I used to feel like I was a “supporting character” and not the “leading character” in my own life!  Even so, I had a good life, a family, an MBA degree, worked for a Fortune 500 company, successful, and from the outside I had the perfect life!


It took me a long time to realize, and admit to myself, that I was simply going through the motions, doing what was expected of me, unhappy and unfulfilled in my personal life and career.  I felt trapped in my circumstances, like there was no way out.  I longed for more joy, more profound relationships, more laughter, and most of all I wanted a more meaningful life that is aligned with the Essence of who I am.


The catalyst for change in my life was my daughter!  As she was born and started to grow up, I started to envision a wonderful life for her.  A life full of joy, wonder, abundant in all aspects and filled with endless possibilities.  A life in which she would feel happy, loved and fulfilled.  And I realized… it was my responsibility to show her that everyone deserves that type of life and should be uncompromising in the pursuit of their dreams!

I slowly started to change my life – the only way I could – I started working on myself!  I started doing therapy, working with an energy healer, meditating and practicing mindfulness.  I also got a Reiki II certification.

At one point it was obvious to me that my life wasn’t fitting me anymore, and the decision to take the final step to move on into a new life was the most difficult decision I have ever made!  I had so much fear.  Fear of letting go.  Fear of the unknown.  But I realized that we either live by default, going through the motions, or we live by design.  I wanted to design a life that felt expansive, free, abundant and joyful!  I wanted a life that nurtured me, a life in which I could flourish and live aligned with my true Essence.


I have been working on myself for almost 10 years.  Sincere self work never really ends, and as you go on you get deeper and deeper into yourself and you start to embody more of your true Essence.  I am so happy and thankful that I live a life I love!

I started noticing that so many people live their lives the way I used to, going through the motion of daily living, feeling stuck and restricted by their current circumstances.  I decided to help them see they could do, and be, so much more!  That is when I came across a transformational life coaching program called DreamBuilder by the Life Mastery Institute.  This program gives you a step-by-step system for bringing your Dreams into reality.  Mary Morrissey, my personal coach and mentor, is known around the world for being the foremost thinker and leading teacher of dream-building thinking technologies.

I believe we are capable of far more than we realize.  As a certified Life Mastery Consultant I can help you design and manifest a life that is in harmony with your Soul’s purpose.  I am passionate about teaching clients to unlock their true potential, achieve amazing success, and live a life they LOVE living!




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